Service Name

Dear First Downloaders,
We are thrilled to announce the release of our Potty Snob app, designed to make your bathroom experiences better wherever you go. Here's what you need to know to get started:
Location Pinpointing

When you're at an establishment, the app will pinpoint your location. For accuracy, make sure to type in the establishment's name when prompted.
Rate the Bathroom

Use our simle five-star system to rate the bathrooom-1 star being the worst and 5 stars being the best. For a fair condition bathroom, give it 3 stars.
Optional Questions

All additional questions are optional. If you find it burdensome to answer them all,
feel free to skip ahead to the submission page. There, you can add any additional feedback. The more details you provide, the more helpful your review will be for fellow Potty Snobs and for us to share with the establishments rated.
Yellow Pin Indicator

In the app, a yellow pin on the map indicates an existing Potty Snob Review. Click on the pin to see what another reviewer has said about that bathroom.
Since this is a brand new app, you might not see many yellow pins in your area just yet. But with your help and submissions, we aim to cover the entire US and beyond with valuable reviews.
Thank you for being part of the Potty Snob community and happy rating!